Bungee Jumping and Rafting

Well sorry for the cheesy video format, I had to put several videos together and I could not figure out a better way at the moment. The scenery for rafting was great and it was good to get out of the city. This was a 53 meter high bungee jump, about 174 feet. I fell to about 3-5 feet from the water at the bottom so the crew really knows their stuff. The filming is pretty bad because I think my buddy had it zoomed close but you can see my badass Superman jump. The best part is the little Korean kid yelling "SUPERMAN" It was a totally sweet experience, total trust in the cord and the crew and just bailing off the bridge was an adrenaline rush!


  1. Hey Phillip,
    I actually like the format that you use to show your jump. Maybe I could do it with a gun to my head... Maybe. You just about did your grandmother in with your spotted shorts. She fell on the floor took a couple of quick gasps and that was the end of her.(figueratively or something like that)(Grandma spelled it for me) But she loves you just the same. We are working on a computer in her room that would have sound so she can hear the videos. Things are good here. Talk to you soon. Love, Mom
    P.S. Did you send the e-mail to Uncle Tom?

  2. HAHA well I hope grandma will recover, it will be a long time before bungee jumping comes into view again. Thats cool she got osme sound in there it makes it better, especially on the bungee jump. I did send and e-mail to Tom and JO, and they replied today saying they had checked out the blog.
    Love you all, talk soon via skype.


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