A typical day

My typical week day goes something like this....
Wake up and prepare for school, I need to arrive between 9:00 and 9:30 am. Only a 3 minute or so walk. Monday through Friday I teach straight through from 9:40-2:00pm. That is 5 classes and a lunch which I have to serve to my students. This period is also my lunch so I hustle them to eat as fast as possible so I can get 10mins to myself. I can eat with them sometimes but thats not always easy. Monday and Wednesday at 2:00pm I have a 90min break then two classes from 3:30-5:00pm and I am finished for the day. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday I teach from 2:20-5:00pm/ 3 classes. So everyday (for the time being) I am finished at 5:00pm but the schedule changes monthly. I should be the safe for September but no guarantees yet.
After work if the guys are getting something to eat I will usually go with them, if not I stay behind and write some lesson plans for the next day so I can get them out of the way. When we go for meals it usually consists of typical Korean meals, some beer and soju. Koreans drink at every meal.
By the time dinner is finished the night is free, hang more with some guys, go home and relax, wander the city that never seems to sleep or whatever adventure we can find. Work hard, Play hard.


  1. Not a bad day a work, I don't think. How are the kids in class? Pretty attentive? or a bunch of goof-balls like in the pictures. It seems like everyone is having fun in any case! I hope you are enjoying it!
    I found this http://www.koreagigguide.com/ looking for live music. Not sure how authoritive it is but it might help.
    Are the "guys" you talk about at work your fellow teachers? Good group?
    Anyway I'm looking forward to more videos. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yes the work day is not bad, just drags sometimes because I teach 8 or 9 classes a day. The older kids are good, pretty attentive, however my youngest and slower kids are a struggle to get motivated. There is 9 male foreign teachers and 9 korean female teachers. So the guys are a good group, ages from 22-32ish, all pertty good to chill with outside of work, and pretty helpful when preparing for classes.
    Cool I will check out the site once I get home, thanks.


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