Toronto Sushi

This is Toronto Sushi. This place is the closest possible restaurant to my apartment, less than a 30 second walk. They have lots of interesting dishes but I usually go with the dynamite roll with or without sauce (shrimp tempura). With a basic roll you get a cup of soup, and about 4 little snacks. The snacks are ok, some are like skinned grapes, one is seaweed. The menu shown I think is just the drinks. The prices are pretty good also, 6,000won for the roll and they also have 2,000won beers.
Close and tasty.

Oh and I guess the sushi chef, Izakaya, traveled to Toronto to learn these sushi skills, and he speaks some English.


  1. Hi Phillip, Glad things are good. The wind is blowing cool here and it feels like fall.I think the food has been surprisingly tasty good. I think we watch too much Bizarre Foods. Tonight I'm frying chicken with mashed potatoes.Early day tomorrow, Horse showing in Lake Ariel. There are only 6 shows left plus States the end of October.
    Everyone is doing well talk soon. Love Mom

  2. Well Hi and the food looks delicious! My handy dandy converter tells me that the roll is about $5 and the beer is about $1.70. Is that about right or don't you think in dollars over there? Funny that the chef traveled to Toronto to learn sushi. How are your chop stick skills coming along?

    As your Mom said, the temperature is dropping a bit around here. Nothing serious but a reminder if things to come. Seems like your weather matches ours here. Unless my reading of google is wrong it seems you are a bit more southern than us and if I remember correctly the Japanese current is northerly so your weather could easily be milder than ours...In any case when should we start planning my trip to see Seoul. No hurry but it will take me some time to pull it together.

    Well TTFN, thanks for the posts, good to see you are doing well (I hope) and let us know if you need something!

  3. Well yes, good food so far. Bizarre foods is not that far off though, I have see some very interesting and not tasty choices. I do continue to be surprised by how good some of it is though. That sounds like an awesome meal right now. Potatoes is actually something I miss that I was not expecting to. I am sure I can buy some but I have not been doing much cooking yet. The countdown is on for the show season, I will call today to bug you during a very busy morning!

    It is still very warm here, slightly less humid than it has been, but no real signs of autumn yet. I just picked up a soccer ball today and I will be playing some this week so I am very eager for fall. We recently had a typhoon come through, not sure what the difference is between that and a hurricane but it was very similar. Tree branches everywhere, power lines down and rain, rain, rain.

    Chop stick skills are great, I can eat everything with them now, rice, pasta, meats, ramen. I still eat ramen here because A. its better, B. its easy. The chop sticks here are actually different, they are flat metal. You get cheapo wood ones at some places but for the most part they are unique Korean sticks.

    Your conversions are accurate, I don't really think in USD, but if I need to it is about 1 to 1. $1.00 to 1,000won.

    Jim I will send you an e-mail and we can make that visit happen.

    Hope everyone is well, I am about to put up some new posts enjoy.


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