Hey so what's goin' on?

- Hey so what's goin' on?
- Well not much, just dominating life is all.

Life in Seoul is good. I have been busy lately and honestly not motivated to sit down and type away but I am winding down on a Sunday night here and well here I am. The past couple of weeks seemed to just fly by. I complain that weekends are short then next thing I know I am in class Thursday morning wondering where the other days went. Classes are going good, every day I find myself getting closer and closer to the kids and it is a cool feeling seeing them improve individually. I see the biggest improvements in the morning classes that I have 5 days a week. They know my system, I know their strengths and weakness and its turning into a good combination. I got a new students in the past couple of weeks. He lived in America for 4 years and hes almost 6 now. He speaks decent English but man is he a handful. He is now in my Apple class and making it very interesting. The class is doing well and now it is just more active. I also just lost a student on Friday. It was his last day and he was a very good, cute student, and I am sad to see him go.
I went to the barber shop last week also and that was a cool experience. No English needed just supply them with your head and they do mean work. It is a place on the same block as my school, run my an old man and old woman. I am assuming they are married and run the shop. When I arrived I had to wait a moment but was quickly ushered in the chair. The old man came over sprayed my hair and immediately started cutting away. No questions and no options, he was going to cut my hair how he saw fit. Then out came the blade, the straight blade. He touched up my hair then went for my face. It was a very interesting feeling having somebody else shaving your face (with a straight blade). "No mom he did not cut off the dirty mustache." But then the old woman came over and shampooed, and massaged my head. She washed my face, rubbed my neck, dried my hair then said thank you and gave me a yogurt drink. It all cost 10,000won and I was looking sharp.
I am always trying to find things to do after work daily so that I don't just go home and watch a movie or something. The past couple of weeks I have been playing pool after work, (3 cushion pool) with some of the guys, Chad and Christophe. We also played some basketball and I think soccer is in the near future. I have officially bought some food and some more pots and pans so I now cook some of my own meals. I make some mean bacon and egg bagel sandwiches for breakfast. Every weekend at least of not sometimes on weekdays I am meeting new people. This weekend I met some really cool people and I am slowly building up an address book of people to hang out with on a regular basis.
I am getting submerged here in Seoul and every day I am happy about the decision I made to come here. It is proving to be the experience of a lifetime, that would be so unattainable at home. I am learning much about the people and the country here, but I get the feeling I am learning more about myself. As time passes I find out more and more!
Oh and here is my paycheck, yes those are all 10,000bills.


  1. I at last have direct access to be able to send you a message. I tend to get nervous when we don' t hear from you every few days. So even it's just a "hi Gram", That would be nice. My life has been a bit hectic of late. I was discharged from the hospital on Sept 29th, went home to the trailer for about 10 days then Jim came to pick me up and here I am at his house. He provided me with the nicest computer I have ever seen. Now I can read your blogs on my own and can send on my own. Also the screen is hugh and I can see the difference between 6 and 8 and 9, its wonderful. I am feeling pretty good.My left (arm) elbow is a bit stiff and I am doing physical therapy three times a week, so while my elbow is good my arm may fall off! My gait is unsteady but improves as I warm up each day. I'm so pleased that you are content with your choice and that things are going well with you. I very much enjoyed your pictures but not so sure about the pictures of the food.Pictures okay food I wonder. 'Nuff for now, be back again later. Grandma Hill

  2. Hi. So, I finally decided to actually comment on one of your posts. I remember you telling me about how the teachers get to give students their name in class and I am just curious as to what you chose for your new student? It's too bad they didn't mess up and hack the mustache at the barber, but one day hopefully...The food you had in China looks sooo good, I'm jealous! Now I want a spring roll. Keep on dominating and making that cash money!


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