Thanksgiving Plans

Well this coming week is Thanksgiving. Not much going on here, as a matter of fact I still work until 5om. No special treatment for the foreigners. I will spend this week's free time telling the kids Thanksgiving stories, and playing any related games I can think of. On the actual day of Thanksgiving 25 of us from work are going to a buffet dinner in Iteawon. I am so happy I will get my turkey and mashed potatoes on Thursday. It is weird being so far away from the family on such a family oriented holiday. I have been here long enough though, to have become part of this work family. There is almost always a good vibe in the office and a good vibe while we are all hanging out together. There will be the 8 foreign teachers and about 15 Korean teachers and employees all at the huge buffet.

Just a couple random pictures. Thanks to Jim, I enjoyed some Jiffy Pop last week. It totally hit the spot and I imagine any Korean friend that saw it would have been blown away.
Fall is winding down here but I grabbed these leaves last week to try and show their massive size. These are an average size, I have seen ones that are honestly 8inches wider.
And the last picture is my Trophies class, nice and small. They are the oldest kids I teach and are very conversationally fun. Andy, Daniel and Angel.

Oh and for Christmas, I am going to the East of the country to a ski resort for a couple of days. Just hit the slopes and get some relaxation. I have some more time to kill and a New Years party to find so I will keep you updated.
