Turkey Day

An interesting Thanksgiving week. This week as many have seen in the news across the world, North Korea and South Korea had a firefight on Tuesday. The attack was on Yeonpyeong Island. This island is right on the border of the two countries and has always been an area of conflict. According to the South Korean news North Korea fired first on the island and SK returned fire.
The mood in school was tense and on edge all afternoon Tuesday. Both foreigners and Koreans were following the story very closely.
It is an eye opener to be in a country that can at any moment be directly under attack. The United States is similar but the enemies are much farther away. Living in the capital city less than 100 miles away from the border is a very interesting situation. You find yourself following the news and way more aware of your surroundings. I am not nervous of the situation but it went from the back of my mind a little closer to the front. All is well here and Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. Hi Phillip,

    I have to admit my first thoughts were about you the moment I saw the news story. I'm glad things haven't escalated (yet!) but I watch the news somewhat closer than I have before. Do you talk politics with your friends? What do they think we (USA) should do? And what do they think they (as Koreans) should do?

    Thanksgiving went well here and your phone call was certainly appreciated! Mom and I went to a very nice rustic restaurant and had the usual fixins'. Kind of missed the family get together.

    Take care!

  2. I hardly know what to say. Needless to express our concern, you know you are in our thoughts always. I remember all too well when this sort of thing happened in 1950. One of the drawbacks of being an older person is that memories can be very vivid. I think it ironic that I can remember June 30,1950 but what I had for breakfast escapes me! You know I have never been this age before and I'm trying to get a handle on how I should act. I think I would be more "with it" had I not been attacked by the computer age. As long as I'm here and Jim doesn't lose patience with me, I'll be okay. In the meantime, be of good cheer, look forward to Christmas and no matter how far away you are know that we are thinking of you and love you very much,,,Grandma ps Yesterday, we saw an hawk perched in a tree in the backyard. He visited birdfeeder and then flew away.


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