The Backwards Conversation

I practice the Korean language as much as possible. The best time to practice is when in the company of Korean friends. They can help with pronunciation, new vocabulary and always get a good laugh when you make that small mistake between chopsticks and #^!*#**$#)!!&^>. Yes they sound the same but they are NOT.

So the backwards conversation. Whenever I am at restaurants or stores I speak enough Korean to usually get what I need. But I love the backward conversation. I am trying to buy two pieces of chicken, so I ask for them in Korean (trying to practice as much as possible), and the clerk is also (trying to practice as much as possible) except he is speaking English. So our conversation is backwards. Myself speaking terrible Korean and the clerk replying in decent English. Sometimes one person will fold and return to their natural language, saying thank you in both Korean and English. BUT not tonight, I purchased my chicken and continued with my shotty Korean and the clerk said "Dude, I speak English."

I was a little embarrassed but not to fear, I learned my comeback phrase. "못 알아 듣겠어요"
"What I don't understand?" and walked out.. I hope he was confused haha..


  1. Hi,
    I was thinking of you today and wondered how you are and when you will be coming back for a visit. You pictures are great!

  2. Hello!
    I am doing great and I will try and keep the pictures coming. My contract is finished here in August sometime. So if time permits I will be home for maybe a week or two come August.


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