Bangkok Bound

Well the rain season is over and the heat wave has struck. It has not rainged for 4 days now and it has been over 90 degrees each day. It is a drastic but welcome change.
But the more exciting news is I leave this Friday for Thailand. I will be in Bangkok for 4 days and in Phuket for 4 days. Thailand is a place I have been very interested in, and I am stoked the time is finally here. It will be an even better trip because I am going with my two best mates from Korea, Phee and Christophe. After our 8 days there Christophe will be returning to California, and Phee and I will be returning to Korea for one more year.
I will take pictures, make memories and return to Seoul in one piece.

And this is just a random picture of McDonalds open late one night. There are hundreds of McDonalds around the city but most of them have an English and Korean sign. This one was unique in that aspect. Also an interesting point is they deliver anywhere in the city. Not just your house of work place, but if you tell them you are sitting on the grass by the Han River 200meters from the closest By The Way mart. They will bring it. Just comical in my opinion.


  1. Hi Phil!
    2 Keystone students are in Phuket this week! Maybe you can catch up with them. Eric Hinkel and Jason Rhine. Try an see them! That would be so cool!

  2. Hi Shirley, Sorry but I am just getting this now. I went off the radar while in Thailand and did not use the computer at all.
    I am sure they had a great time though. I was in Phuket for 4 days and had an amazing time with my friends.


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