January Update

Well I went back to the states for Christmas and it was great seeing all my family and friends alike.
Thanks to everyone at home for such a great trip back home!

Now however I am back to the grind and getting pretty serious at work. We are preparing for graduating in a couple weeks so everything is pretty hectic. Plus I think the school is replacing a lot of staff, foreign and Korean alike. So it will be interesting meeting the new staff in the next couple of weeks.

Seoul is still Seoul. Food is still good, clubs still rock and people are still beautiful.

And some random pictures.

Number one - A seafood soup, delicious seafood but this hunk of processed ham wannabe just does not cut it for my taste buds.

Number two - One of my classic students, cute as hell and way to smart to be like 5 years old.

Number three - It is about time Korea caught on to my tattoo theme. Subway station.

Number four - Dinner at Marco Polo. 52nd floor of the World Trade Building. Fancy, yummy and damn expensive. But the view was worth it!
