Hong Kong

Just two weeks ago was the Chinese New Year, 설날. It is celebrated in Korea as well as in China. So for vacation I headed out to Hong Kong for a 4 day weekend.

As you can see from the first picture here, Hong Kong has a pretty impressive skyline, especially at night.

Because of the holiday season, the nightlife was pretty massive that weekend. Different from Seoul, a little bit less my style but still a good time. During the day I checked out some of touristy places/ restaurants and shopping centers. It is a great place to shop.

I have traveled to China before and did not know what to expect from
Hong Kong. It is an interesting city/ area. Because the coty is divided between a peninsula and an island traveling back and forth is interesting. I took, a ferry, subway, taxi and bus across Victoria harbor. And you cross it every day because each side has many different things to offer.

The city is also an interesting mix of very old and very new. When you are eating dinner up on the 30th floor of a restaurant you can see the billion dollar skyline, but also look down on the old shabby city that once stood only 5-10 stories high.

Middle picture here is from the newspaper picked up on the plane over there. Please don't over look any part of this picture. Especially the bottom right corner.

And for the New Year, it was my year, year of the Dragon.

Hope all is well around the world...
